Command and conquer generals zero hour rise of the reds 1.87 download
Command and conquer generals zero hour rise of the reds 1.87 download

Rise of the Reds provides examples of the following tropes: More information on the mod can be found here and here. The latest full release is available here, with the latest patch available here. No war bears, though, and exactly one mecha-type unit with the Venom, in two variants. There are attack dogs, Tesla coils, engineers, flamethrower troopers, gun turrets and ships (including long-range artillery cruisers). It also is quite reminiscent of old C&C games (mostly the Red Alert series).

command and conquer generals zero hour rise of the reds 1.87 download

The GLA came back stronger than ever before, the USA went isolationist for the meantime, China managed a near economic take-over of the world before Russia got its industrial power rolling again and fights the ECA (an alliance of European states) on their ground who themselves rebuild their military might as well. Rise of the Reds is a Game Mod for Command & Conquer Generals Zero:Hour that picks on the events of the original game and presents its own story on what happened afterward.

Command and conquer generals zero hour rise of the reds 1.87 download